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The difference between a toughened glass and regular glass
How do U-shaped toughened glass differ from regular glass?
Glass is one of the most common items in our daily life. It is installed in every house. At present, the U-shaped glass toughened glass is widely used in the market. However, many people do not know the difference between the U-shaped glass toughened glass and ordinary glass, so today, the U-shaped toughened glass is going to tell us the difference between a U-shaped toughened glass and a normal glass or a U-shaped toughened glass.
How a U-shaped toughened glass toughened glass differs from regular glass
1. Look for the 3C mark on the glass. U-shaped tempered glass factory are qualified, will be in the processing of glass printed 3C logo. It is necessary to have a 3C mark on the safety glass according to regulations.
2.If there is no 3C mark on the glass, compare the appearance of the glass and look at the smoothness of the glass. Because the U-shaped toughened glass has been treated at high temperature, there is a certain degree of roughness.
3.Also due to the treatment of the steel equipment, the U-shaped toughened glass has some rainbow spots.
4.When the U-shaped toughened glass is broken, it becomes small particles.
5. Use the sky outdoors or Windows for reflection indoors: look at the sky or the light from the window reflected by the glass and slowly change the point of view. If the glass is a U-shaped toughened glass, you may see a series of blue-gray regular, central color, distance light and fuzzy circle, or oval, or long picture on the glass surface.
How much for the toughened glass
The U-shaped toughened glass is strengthened to form a compressive stress layer on the surface of the glass, and then improves the bearing capacity of the glass, and enhances the resistance of the glass itself to wind pressure, heat and cold, impact, etc. . The U-shaped toughened glass is safety glass as well as prestressed glass.
The U-shaped toughened glass is several times stronger than normal glass and can withstand temperature variations of up to 200 â ° C. It is also safe to use, increasing its carrying capacity, improving its fragility, and reducing damage to the human body by removing sharp-angle fragments even if the U-shaped toughened glass is damaged. In high-rise buildings in particular, U-shaped toughened glass provide a reliable guarantee of safety. Now, U-shaped toughened glass is mainly used in high-rise building doors and windows, glass curtain wall, indoor distance glass, daylighting ceiling, access to elevators, furniture, glass railings.
The price of the U-shaped toughened glass varies from standard to standard, so the U-shaped toughened glass gives us a brief introduction for reference only
We also have a pretty good idea of how to differentiate between a U-shaped toughened glass and regular glass and a U-shaped toughened glass. U-shaped toughened glass hardness high cold and heat resistance advantages of many, but the quality of U-shaped toughened glass on the market good and bad, we must be sure to buy the U-shaped toughened glass brand, so as not to use problems later.