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Decoration characteristics of colored glazed U-shaped glass
U-type colored glazed glass is the inorganic glaze (also known as ink) , this product has a high degree of functionality and decoration. Widely used in the construction of decoration occupation, furniture glass, electronic glass and often choose the process of colored glaze. It comes in many different colours and patterns, such as strips, webs, dots, toughened glass, etc. . According to the different needs of customers planning patterns.
The licensing process for the U-shaped glazed glass is to print the planned picture onto the surface of the glass, then to dry, toughen or heat the processing, the glaze is sintered on the surface of the glass to obtain a kind of wear resistance, acid and alkali resistant decorative glass products. Its cost per square meter between 100-400 Yuan.
At present, the world's advanced digital printing skills, with special planning digital ceramic ink nozzle cooperation advanced digital printers, multi-color one-time printing, at the same time to be able to people and fine picture transparency, can control the translucency and opacity, color and shading rate, can complete high-resolution (1410p) high-precision picture quality. The machine can print very large glass sizes: 3.3 m x 18m. Special ink highly stable pigments and special sub-micron glass particles, after high-temperature toughening of the glass can be carried out in Jiamao, bent steel, hollow and low-E off-line coating processing.
If you see the building surface of such a rich picture in an art park or on a city street corner, the public who do not know the reason will not know how to complete it. It is not a piece of cloth art or a digital display screen, but after planners brainstorm u-glass is to inorganic glaze (also known as ink) , this product has a high degree of functionality and decoration. Widely used in the construction of decoration occupation, furniture glass, electronic glass and often choose the process of colored glaze. It comes in many different colours and patterns, such as strips, webs, dots, toughened glass, etc. . According to the different needs of customers planning patterns. Marked out and finished with a U-shaped glazed glass.
And the building itself structural components such as beams, columns, slabs and tubes need to be covered up, at least partially hidden, beautify the appearance, highlight the overall planning role. At this point the use of u-glazed glass needs to combine the window Low-E insulating glass outdoor color and visible light transmission and reflection of the specific values, after calculation, the coverage, size and color of U-shaped colored glazed glass can be determined, and the suitable U-shaped colored glazed glass can be obtained after appropriate adjustment.
Properly and cleverly planning the U-type glazed glass painting and color, in a considerable number of cases can be used to replace frosted glass glaze, and even the role of stained glass. Facing the reality that the color of float glass is not much, U-shaped colored glazed glass can give planners more inspiration and support.