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How much electricity can a photovoltaic panel generate in a year?
China is a vast country with abundant solar energy resources. In addition to the photovoltaic industry macro events, and then back to the micro-photovoltaic panels. If someone suddenly asked you, how many kilowatt-hours of electricity can a photovoltaic panel generate in a year? Probably a lot of people would be stunned, yeah, exactly how much?
This involves two determinants of photovoltaic power:
First, the power of photovoltaic panels.
Second, the photovoltaic panel installation area.
In the same area, the higher the power generated by photovoltaic panels, the less time it takes to generate one kilowatt-hour of electricity, and the more electricity is generated in a single day.
Photovoltaic panels, the Sun can generate electricity. So there's no electricity at night. In the same way, wind, fog, rain and snow can hardly produce electricity. That is to say, photovoltaic power generation is closely related to the installation area. Different resource areas, the same model of photovoltaic panels, will also produce different amounts of electricity. In some places there is enough light to give birth to an advantage.
On average, a photovoltaic panel produces about 400 kilowatt-hours of electricity a year.
Why Is it theoretical? This is because, in addition to the power of photovoltaic panels, installation area (equivalent hours of use per year) , photovoltaic power generation is also subject to external constraints, such as installation angle and orientation, local climate, connection line material, surface shelter, etc. .
Installation of photovoltaic panels need to install angle and orientation, in order to make photovoltaic panels fully exposed to light, play a major role. If randomly installed, people have an angle, you lie flat; people sit north facing south, you have to sit south facing north, and scientific deviation, can not affect the power generation!
Days of rain, snow, long-term haze, dust storms, and so on, even the sun can not see, no matter how good photovoltaic panels can not generate electricity.
If the use of poor-quality cable and other lines, the electricity are secretly missed, more also useless, but also prone to accidents. Therefore, the importance of material.
Always Clean the screen of the photovoltaic panel. For example, there are big trees near the photovoltaic panels, or tall houses, the total light has not been a few hours, how to fully generate electricity AH. This is the problem of location. Or, the local wind and sand, only to install photovoltaic panels, but not careful maintenance, panels are full of dust, can not fully generate electricity.
All of the above, are the factors that affect photovoltaic power generation, so to generate more power, but also have to be diligent maintenance care OH!