Industry news

What are the installation methods of U-shaped glass?
Check the hole size and smoothness to meet the design requirements; check the side and plane of u-glass serrated cracks or cracks; check the aluminum alloy profile of the outer frame size and smoothness.
U-shaped glass mounting
The U-shaped glass is usually made and installed on site in the following order:
1. The frame material is fixed in the opening of the building by the expansion bolt or the shooting nail, and the frame can be connected with the right angle or the material angle. There should be at least 3 fixed points on each side of the border. The upper and lower frame material shall have 1 fixed point at 400 intervals.
2. In the frame and glass, glass and glass, frame and construction of the joints, filled with glass rubber elastic sealing material (or silicone) sealing. The thickness of the elastic seal shall be greater than or equal to 2 and the depth shall be greater than or equal to 3, the thickness of the elastic seal between the U-shaped glass blocks shall be greater than or equal to 1, and the seal depth facing the outdoor side shall be greater than or equal to 3.
3. All the glass installed, the surface of the dirt clean.
4. U-shaped glass into the frame, the glass should be carefully scrubbed clean.
5. Insert the U-shaped glass in sequence. The depth of U-shaped glass inserted into the upper frame should be greater than or equal to 20, into the lower frame should be greater than or equal to 12, into the left and right frame material should be greater than or equal to 20. When the U-shaped glass is inserted into the latter, and the hole is not the same width as the glass, then the cut glass along the length direction will be adjusted and loaded according to the 18th“End glass installation order”, at the same time, the plastic parts are cut into corresponding lengths and put into one side of the frame.
6. The stabilizing plastic parts are cut into corresponding lengths and put into the upper and lower profiles in the frame.